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Rust / Re: Rust 06-2016
« Last post by CewHit76 on June 24, 2016, 03:30:17 pm »
We had a Rust server a while ago.. could never get the large masses and shut it down. I like playing Rust, but have had the same issue. I think there are a few LRRP members and some friends playing it, at least they were a few weeks ago. I'll see if they're still playing and let you know.
General Discussion / Re: My new office
« Last post by Spektre21 on June 24, 2016, 08:23:57 am »
Badass!  Speakers look good, are they custom?
Rust / Rust 06-2016
« Last post by Spektre21 on June 24, 2016, 08:21:47 am »
Is anyone here active on Rust these days?  I've been mostly solo on there for awhile now.  Wouldn't mind having a group to play with again.
General Questions / Re: How big is the RP in our servers' title?
« Last post by Juggy on June 23, 2016, 07:26:04 am »
Well we are looking to fix up the rules and properly state some things. We're looking into readvising the rules so it more fits everyone.. The issue is currently we have Heavy RP'ers and light RP's. With these changes we hope to get more towards middle, but definitely closer to heavy.. All I ask is that everyone sticks around and works with us while we adjust to fit everyone's needs within reason. The best way to help at this current moment is to go into our Suggestion forum ( and make a post with your ideas. Everyone's ideas are valued here and will not go without thought.
General Questions / How big is the RP in our servers' title?
« Last post by Iscariot on June 23, 2016, 05:59:29 am »
  So I was curious how big the RP in the title is, so to speak. If the server was originally intended as more of a light RP then by all means ignore the following and let me know so I can shush up on the matter, but if the server is meant to be a bit more heavily RP'd then I have some comments on it... 

  In the past two weeks the server population has taken off at an incredible rate and with this comes good and bad. Obviously the good lies  mostly in the fact that with more people trading and RP interactions become much easier and much more entertaining. On the other hand an increased population also brings with it some bad, though this doesn't always come in the form of malicious players. Certainly as the population goes up there will occasionally be the odd person to pop in hoping to just stab a few people at random to entertain themselves and of course anything like that is dealt with as it comes up but something that concerns me more for the overall 'health' of the server are the multiple 'violations' made without ill-intent. Things such as name violations, the inability to keep your character in character(I.E. constantly swapping from one persona to another based on their boredom/what they consider to be more fun at the time) and just other small basic RP bits that people seem to think its' okay to completely ignore.  People seem to forget some of the most basic principals of RP or just choose not to follow them because they aren't specifically stated in the rules....

TL:DR I'm butthurt because people arent even trying
Name Change Request / Name Change Request Format
« Last post by Juggy on June 20, 2016, 07:36:35 pm »
Title: [Current Name] | [Requested Name]

Reason for changing:
General Questions / Re: New player trolled?
« Last post by MyNameIsDave on June 20, 2016, 04:39:54 pm »
Ok just wanted to follow up.
General Questions / Re: New player trolled?
« Last post by gnif on June 20, 2016, 04:25:55 pm »
Thanks but to be honest the evidence provided is a little late to the game and can be challenged by the other party. We will still follow this up though and make sure Nico fully understands the server rules and that if he is caught failing to abide by them his steam account will be banned from the server.
General Questions / Re: New player trolled?
« Last post by MyNameIsDave on June 20, 2016, 03:52:12 pm »
So, he logged back in. We were keeping an eye on the spot he logged off in. I walked up to him and asked him if he's the one who stole my gold. He didn't say anything but opened the trade window and put in all the starting gold. Then he ran off. It was the same face, hair, and beard. This time, I got a screenshot.
Town Board / Re: Looking for a settlement to join
« Last post by CewHit76 on June 20, 2016, 02:22:27 am »
Learn something new every day.
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