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Author Topic: Our rules for NationsRP  (Read 13977 times)


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Our rules for NationsRP
« on: July 14, 2014, 07:37:35 pm »
1. No using Exploits or Hacks
2. No Advertising other servers
3. No being Racist, Sexist, Or bullying other players.
4. No Spawn Camping
5. No firing missiles at random players/houses/settlements. (Missiles temporarily removed.)
6. No using Missiles on any new players or settlements. (Missiles temporarily removed.)
7. No hidden towns. (Please make sure people can find your town. With out-in-the-open entrance-ways.)
8. Semi-RP (We won't enforce Hard RP such as no metagaming, but we'd like to request semi-rp. Such as a reason to declare war, not fighting the United Nation, and letting the United Nation know when you have bombs.) (Missiles temporarily removed.)
9. No Floating Trees.
10. Please be courteous with you chunk-loader sizes. (Only use what you need to limit server lag.)
11. You MUST have a reason to start a war.
12. Respect Staff and we'll respect you.
13. Let the United Nations know when you've made bombs. (This goes under the Semi-RP concept.) (Missiles temporarily removed.)
14. No griefing (Unless you're in a war with the person/town you're griefing)
15. Quarries MUST be over an ocean. Meaning the furthest side must be over the water. (Lakes do not count. This is to also prevent server lag)
16. No Basing in the Nether
17. No Hogging or Basing in the end.
18. You may not steal from an active mining / Oil well. (If there is a sign at an oil spout, but no wells or any equipment taking from it, you may use the oil spout. But if its obvious someone is using the oil spout, leave it be.)
19. No griefing with mining turtles. (This speaks for itself.)
20. No cussing in the chat.
21. No wars/raids if half of the target town is offline.
22. No weapon defenses near spawn. (Like auto turrets and stuff)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2014, 02:56:54 pm by Juggy »