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Author Topic: Alexina Server Scammer List!  (Read 51180 times)


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Alexina Server Scammer List!
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:13:33 pm »
This list is strictly for the Alexina Server  facebook page. ( We do NOT Support any other list besides this one. The list may be copied and used elsewhere, however we will not vouch for the legitimacy of the duplicated list.

Evidence is taken and reviewed strongly. This is to ensure that no player is added and does not belong. Submitting evidence that is not valid enough will result in a rejection of the report. You may agree or disagree on how we look over the evidence, however, if someone tried adding you with the same invalid evidence, you'd be upset if we accepted.

Most players added on this list were added before the rule that you needed to provide proof. However, a majority of them are known to steal. Do not come at us in a rage.

Also, "I quit and when I came back, I was on the list" is not a valid excuse. Until you can provide proof that you were framed, you will remain on this list.

~Suspcious Persons List~

1. Pinkblurr
2. Lyzurge / Zekesakura / Shamanking
3. Shizx / Sokari / Centru
4. Leonekennedy
5. Wolfofchaos
6. Rinuker (NX Scammer)
7. Caticumai
8. Karma030
9. Ninjaaura
10. Rainden
11. Itsukikun / Gin95 / xjews / shadowcycle
12. Heleny
13. Nekyu / Amaye / Raiji / Raidoku3
14. Phenixflare
15. Molten
16. Fallenkiller
17. Luckycharm
18. Torak333
19. Sooshi
20. Galleria
21. Stessan / Templeknight / themann / Theplug (
22. Holyz
23. Homoalert
24. Dustin0 -  (,FUpwivh,VCLM3BZ)
25. gorogongoron / Blackerz
26. Lollipopbabe
27. snakestrike9 / Snakestrike1 / snakestrike2 / snakestrike3 /snakestrike4/ snakestrike5 / snakestrike6 / snakestrike7 /       snakestrike8
28. Krisstian / kris510 / Dafuqlookina ( )
29. Zeake
30. Trentis
31. Tampontea
32. Somebooty
33. Panteram
34. ECande
35. Swiftling
36. Destrxxed
37. Kainia
38. Ekia
39. Melody
40. Cloudstride
41. Kryzen
42. Killersdeath
43. Askylia / Repulsed / Dragokakashi / Exclisor
44. Kryptickill / Kyptickill
45. Knucles
46. Kenturashi
47. Amylin / Brydieliz (
48. xboobearx3
49. Naughty0
50. xxdevilxx / Snophist / CareBearpaw ( / (
51. Vince632
52. Exstolic
53. Valaxie
54. Relayna
55. rubykk / Pookiepup
56. Pedoteddy
57. Shineheart (Tried to scroll-trade-scam rosemary gloves.)
58. Yummyheart (Account hi-jacking and Scamming on Tarlach.)
59. Pikachuu1311
60. Purificated
61. Tewty
62. Previously (Scammer)
63. Kalna (Account hi-jacking)
64. yourhot/yourcute (Homestead Drop Scammer) /
65. Falan (scammed a hebona)
66. Cocoapuffiez (Pretty sure someone removed this name to cover them up.)
67. Safiyer (Hosted contest with promise of NX reward to winner, never paid out.)
68. Laurapuppy (Accepted NX trade, never paid the person back, then added multiple Excuses.)
69. Shye (Evidence was verified by the Tarlach Scammer Group. -xxrequiemxx)
70. Darkfire16 (Admitted to scamming a Mysterious robe.)
71. Dondre2 (scammed 25K NX from rudokurou/BUREImijin)
72. Narathan (scammed 10kNx, Pedophile.) ((Quite a few members of our group will vouch on this matter)) (
73. Spotsfy/ Villuminati/Vaugh (Account Hi-jacking)
74. Lucychan1 / Pineapple1 (Gold digging, then running with the cash.)
75. Vellox/Alltus ( )
76. Exceedz ( )
77. Emilyb ( )
78. Daimonict (Nx trade scam)
79. morphus ( <Multiple cases of them Buying/Selling nx then changing the deal to money first. (Mostly added for Suspicion)
80. Kare (
81. Blackyoshi - (,,,
82. Dukarez ( )
83. Shahriar / Shawdonz (,
84. Madeasimmons (
85. Shymus (,WgxBxxi)
86. Aendeis (
87. Sharkchan ( , Wesly Flores, scammed couple hundred in paypal.
88. soulblader99 (
89. Khyre (
90. Jakeyr1 (,PDJNDDg,2I6r7kG,sgnCuv6#0)
91. Kenuki (,ZtEvy2z,UDaN62z) (Minor crime, but stealing is stealing.)
93. Chomumftw (
94. Caelisy (,YsA9u7d)
95. Tivo12 / GODTHOR / SpiritAngelx (added on request. Will remove after tivo returns to mabi.) (,MI7HEX7)
96. Kawaiinekko (
97. boff3 (
98. Eziozander (
99. bigfeetz (
100. Reaperstrike (
101. Namikaze (Account hacked, added for safety Measures.)
102. Azuraray / Lunasaa (,,xOxbcQd#0)
103. XScarletxx (
104. Equipping (
105. Flamingboy (
106. Abrahamx1234 -(
107. monsun - (
108. Usagichan121 - (
109. Asaba - (
110. Doubledashin - ( ,
111.  Nuth - ( ,
112. Buuddaha -(,
113. Kinzokukami / Kevinikun / Naitouingusu / NightcoreKun - (
114. Zevetro - (
115. Gohbn - (
116. Charlesincha - (
117. Micah - ( )
118. Knight615 -  ( )
119. Demigodsage/Silentloner - (
120. Chase2003 (Admitted)
121. Doctord/kingofdeath -( )
122. Kavenau - ( Kavenau ,
123. sammycx - ( )
124. Druidseth - (
125. Yuko321 - ( <===3
126. HRHMilady - (

This part is for people who've added names to the list without providing proof. This does not confirm that they had intent to ruin the name, they may have tried to help but failed to provide the proof.

1. FenrisYuri
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 03:33:55 pm by Juggy »