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Messages - Juggy

Pages: 1 2 [3]
NationsRP / Re: Nether Qaurtz
« on: July 29, 2014, 05:39:27 am »
That's from the netherore mod. I'll look into changing it if possible.

DayZ / Re: ArmA2 + Steam = Fail
« on: July 27, 2014, 02:43:27 am »
I didn't know Arma2 uses Gamespy aswell.. Arma 3 uses it too and they had to remove Gamespy from that already.. this all make a lot more sense now..

NationsRP / Re: Auto Restarts??
« on: July 24, 2014, 07:05:09 am »
Done. Auto restarts start every 4~5 hours with a 5 minute heads up before the restart.

NationsRP / Our rules for NationsRP
« on: July 14, 2014, 07:37:35 pm »
1. No using Exploits or Hacks
2. No Advertising other servers
3. No being Racist, Sexist, Or bullying other players.
4. No Spawn Camping
5. No firing missiles at random players/houses/settlements. (Missiles temporarily removed.)
6. No using Missiles on any new players or settlements. (Missiles temporarily removed.)
7. No hidden towns. (Please make sure people can find your town. With out-in-the-open entrance-ways.)
8. Semi-RP (We won't enforce Hard RP such as no metagaming, but we'd like to request semi-rp. Such as a reason to declare war, not fighting the United Nation, and letting the United Nation know when you have bombs.) (Missiles temporarily removed.)
9. No Floating Trees.
10. Please be courteous with you chunk-loader sizes. (Only use what you need to limit server lag.)
11. You MUST have a reason to start a war.
12. Respect Staff and we'll respect you.
13. Let the United Nations know when you've made bombs. (This goes under the Semi-RP concept.) (Missiles temporarily removed.)
14. No griefing (Unless you're in a war with the person/town you're griefing)
15. Quarries MUST be over an ocean. Meaning the furthest side must be over the water. (Lakes do not count. This is to also prevent server lag)
16. No Basing in the Nether
17. No Hogging or Basing in the end.
18. You may not steal from an active mining / Oil well. (If there is a sign at an oil spout, but no wells or any equipment taking from it, you may use the oil spout. But if its obvious someone is using the oil spout, leave it be.)
19. No griefing with mining turtles. (This speaks for itself.)
20. No cussing in the chat.
21. No wars/raids if half of the target town is offline.
22. No weapon defenses near spawn. (Like auto turrets and stuff)

NationsRP / How to join the NationsRP server
« on: July 14, 2014, 07:25:09 pm »
___MultiMC Launcher___
1. Download and install -
2. Now, Download the NationsRP Installer
3. Run the installer, and click 'Install'
4. Select your MultiMC installation directory
5. Wait for the download to complete.
6. Launch MultiMC
7. Login (top right) and select the pack, then hit play.
8. Go to Multiplayer and connect to our server.
9. Invite your friends! <3

If you find that your version of NationsRP is incompatible with the version on the server, run the installer again and click the 'Update Install' button.

DayZ / Re: Disappearing Safe?
« on: June 07, 2014, 02:35:51 pm »
I'll direct Gnif to this section.. Sorry about the inconvenience..

DayZ / Re: Nice screenshot
« on: March 22, 2014, 07:27:45 pm »
How? o-o

DayZ / Re: Nice screenshot
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:50:30 am »
Nice!! That was pretty cool. I like that 'patrol' we went on. If anything, it's given us a ton of ideas for an RP variation of stand-alone!!

We need this idea to come out.

DayZ / Nice screenshot
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:23:28 am »
So there we were. Back-packing our way through Churnarus..

Mabinogi Alexina Server / Mabinogi Alexina Server Rules
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:10:02 pm »
Warnings and Bans are given at the discretion of the Admins.

1. No harassment of any kind. This includes, but not limited to : racism, sexism, sexual harassment, ect.

2.  Mature content such as; extreme violence, nudity, partial nudity, jailbait, etc is not allowed. This ain’t pornhub.

3. Drama is removable at admin discretion.

4. Be respectful of one another. This also means respect staff. Respect goes a long way. We ask for shitty behaviour to be left at the door.

5. Bump once every 2 hours.

6. No advertising on someone else's post without permission from the OP. This means no stealing customers or sellers.

7. No blocking Admins. We cannot issue warnings to those that have blocked us. Any blocking of an admin is instant kick from group.

8. Keep the spam to a minimum. Instead of remaking posts to resell the same items, bump your old post (and follow rule 5).

9. Any trades involving real life payment method (PayPal, Nx, Steam, Amazon gift card, ext) must have an IGN within the post. This IGN must be your MAIN account, any use of Alt account IGNs may result in a warning as this is considered sketchy behaviour.
This is not negotiable.

10. No reporting other members to Nexon for TOS violations/ Facebook for false names. This is instant kick/ban from group if caught doing so.

11. No sharing of mods. There is a link in  the description to MabiMods if you wish to locate mods.

12. No account sales. This means no posting to price check or ask about selling one’s account. You may sell the items, but not the account within the group.

13.  (Optional, although Highly recommended) During any paypal transactions, one of the parties may request an active Admin/Mod as a third party. The items for sale will be handed to third party admin and the admin will wait for the confirmation of the money. Once its confirmed the admin will trade the items/gold to said buyer/seller. Its highly recommended that all parties of these transactions record their side of the trades. (Mabinogi has a built in video recorder.)  Though you may take screenshots,  it'd be easier for us if there was a video because screenshots won't capture EVERYTHING. (You can select the admin, or even have the admins recommend a trusted player to you.)

14. Ask prior to using our documents in your group/site.

15.  Report all problems to admins. If riots burst out, we will be removing the person who caused the riot. There's no reason to act like you're five. Send your concerns to an admin and they will either discuss it with you or post about it in our admin chat so we may discuss it together.

16.. If you'd like to report someone for the suspicious list or the group, you must send the report to an admin. We'll no longer accept people posting in the group about this topic. (Mainly because if the evidence is shit, it'll be considered slander.)

17. Do not harass people over the prices of their items. Mabinogi is a free market, thus allows the user to buy/sell for whatever price they want. Will they get it at insane low/insane high prices? Probably not, so don’t waste your breath. If after your first attempt to tell them the price they don’t listen, just stop commenting.

18. No advertising groups, pages, discords, game servers, or anything with intention of building an audience or community from our page. (Without permission from Justin -- and the answer is NO. )

*If you are banned from the group, there will always be a legit reason. There's no reason you can't contact an admin about the ban and talk about it.
*If someone post a code for a new game, or nx, be nice, say thanks. They're posting it to be generous. You aren't required to take the gift. If you don't want it, keep scrolling.
*If you're thinking about asking to be an admin, stop. We do not 'recruit' nor will we be bought. Take it as this: Don't call us, we'll call you.
*This page is for general stuff. You might find non-mabinogi related subjects.
*If you insult/fight with an admin and they didn't remove you. Be happy they didn't feel like being a dick.
*If you don't like it here, we don't like you here.


The Thin Ice Policy

This policy basically states that if we remove or remake a ban with less time, the person who was banned will be on thin ice. Any rules broke in this period will be treated as a final offense and will result in an instant removal. There will be no chance to have another 'Thin Ice Policy' stated on another offense if you've been banned while on this policy.

To request the Thin Ice Policy to take effect you must:

1. Request the Policy on your ban.
2. Have at least 5 people vouch for you in a professional manner. Messages that an admin will receive such as "Yo unban him he did nothing wrong and you like men" will be ignored and have your chance of receiving this lowered.
3. When you request this policy, do not request it in any manner that relates to this: "Aye cuddi, lemme get dat phatt aizz Thin Ice Policy" Or anything else trolly like this.
4. Again, if you are on the policy and you receive a kick/ban, you will no longer be allowed a chance at it. All bans from that point forward will have their full time served.
5. Do NOT take this for Granted.


Scammer/ Suspicious player list
Once added to the scammers list, its their job to revoke. They were added for a reason, and if they did have intentions to scam, then were pressured to pay back, that doesn't mean they lost the will too.

To remove your name from the list, you must make a petition. This petition will be reviewed by an Admin. We'll confirm all that have signed the petition did in-fact willingly sign it.

*Each Petition must have at the minimum of 100 players signatures. (If you return the item, 15 players signatures.)
*They must all be on the Alexina server.
*They may NOT have a total level lower than 500.
*They are required to post a picture of their total level and character name with their signature.
*The players who sign must not be on THIS list.
*You have 48 hours after posting the player to provide proof. (In a screenshot.)If you fail to do so, you will be added yourself.
*Getting old time, trust-worthy players to sign the petition will help your case.
*If you don't know why you were added, try finding out who added you and asking them.
*The excuse "I quit, came back, and I'm on the list." Doesn't help anything. You were added for a reason, figure out why.

Mabinogi Alexina Server / Alexina Server Scammer List!
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:13:33 pm »
This list is strictly for the Alexina Server  facebook page. ( We do NOT Support any other list besides this one. The list may be copied and used elsewhere, however we will not vouch for the legitimacy of the duplicated list.

Evidence is taken and reviewed strongly. This is to ensure that no player is added and does not belong. Submitting evidence that is not valid enough will result in a rejection of the report. You may agree or disagree on how we look over the evidence, however, if someone tried adding you with the same invalid evidence, you'd be upset if we accepted.

Most players added on this list were added before the rule that you needed to provide proof. However, a majority of them are known to steal. Do not come at us in a rage.

Also, "I quit and when I came back, I was on the list" is not a valid excuse. Until you can provide proof that you were framed, you will remain on this list.

~Suspcious Persons List~

1. Pinkblurr
2. Lyzurge / Zekesakura / Shamanking
3. Shizx / Sokari / Centru
4. Leonekennedy
5. Wolfofchaos
6. Rinuker (NX Scammer)
7. Caticumai
8. Karma030
9. Ninjaaura
10. Rainden
11. Itsukikun / Gin95 / xjews / shadowcycle
12. Heleny
13. Nekyu / Amaye / Raiji / Raidoku3
14. Phenixflare
15. Molten
16. Fallenkiller
17. Luckycharm
18. Torak333
19. Sooshi
20. Galleria
21. Stessan / Templeknight / themann / Theplug (
22. Holyz
23. Homoalert
24. Dustin0 -  (,FUpwivh,VCLM3BZ)
25. gorogongoron / Blackerz
26. Lollipopbabe
27. snakestrike9 / Snakestrike1 / snakestrike2 / snakestrike3 /snakestrike4/ snakestrike5 / snakestrike6 / snakestrike7 /       snakestrike8
28. Krisstian / kris510 / Dafuqlookina ( )
29. Zeake
30. Trentis
31. Tampontea
32. Somebooty
33. Panteram
34. ECande
35. Swiftling
36. Destrxxed
37. Kainia
38. Ekia
39. Melody
40. Cloudstride
41. Kryzen
42. Killersdeath
43. Askylia / Repulsed / Dragokakashi / Exclisor
44. Kryptickill / Kyptickill
45. Knucles
46. Kenturashi
47. Amylin / Brydieliz (
48. xboobearx3
49. Naughty0
50. xxdevilxx / Snophist / CareBearpaw ( / (
51. Vince632
52. Exstolic
53. Valaxie
54. Relayna
55. rubykk / Pookiepup
56. Pedoteddy
57. Shineheart (Tried to scroll-trade-scam rosemary gloves.)
58. Yummyheart (Account hi-jacking and Scamming on Tarlach.)
59. Pikachuu1311
60. Purificated
61. Tewty
62. Previously (Scammer)
63. Kalna (Account hi-jacking)
64. yourhot/yourcute (Homestead Drop Scammer) /
65. Falan (scammed a hebona)
66. Cocoapuffiez (Pretty sure someone removed this name to cover them up.)
67. Safiyer (Hosted contest with promise of NX reward to winner, never paid out.)
68. Laurapuppy (Accepted NX trade, never paid the person back, then added multiple Excuses.)
69. Shye (Evidence was verified by the Tarlach Scammer Group. -xxrequiemxx)
70. Darkfire16 (Admitted to scamming a Mysterious robe.)
71. Dondre2 (scammed 25K NX from rudokurou/BUREImijin)
72. Narathan (scammed 10kNx, Pedophile.) ((Quite a few members of our group will vouch on this matter)) (
73. Spotsfy/ Villuminati/Vaugh (Account Hi-jacking)
74. Lucychan1 / Pineapple1 (Gold digging, then running with the cash.)
75. Vellox/Alltus ( )
76. Exceedz ( )
77. Emilyb ( )
78. Daimonict (Nx trade scam)
79. morphus ( <Multiple cases of them Buying/Selling nx then changing the deal to money first. (Mostly added for Suspicion)
80. Kare (
81. Blackyoshi - (,,,
82. Dukarez ( )
83. Shahriar / Shawdonz (,
84. Madeasimmons (
85. Shymus (,WgxBxxi)
86. Aendeis (
87. Sharkchan ( , Wesly Flores, scammed couple hundred in paypal.
88. soulblader99 (
89. Khyre (
90. Jakeyr1 (,PDJNDDg,2I6r7kG,sgnCuv6#0)
91. Kenuki (,ZtEvy2z,UDaN62z) (Minor crime, but stealing is stealing.)
93. Chomumftw (
94. Caelisy (,YsA9u7d)
95. Tivo12 / GODTHOR / SpiritAngelx (added on request. Will remove after tivo returns to mabi.) (,MI7HEX7)
96. Kawaiinekko (
97. boff3 (
98. Eziozander (
99. bigfeetz (
100. Reaperstrike (
101. Namikaze (Account hacked, added for safety Measures.)
102. Azuraray / Lunasaa (,,xOxbcQd#0)
103. XScarletxx (
104. Equipping (
105. Flamingboy (
106. Abrahamx1234 -(
107. monsun - (
108. Usagichan121 - (
109. Asaba - (
110. Doubledashin - ( ,
111.  Nuth - ( ,
112. Buuddaha -(,
113. Kinzokukami / Kevinikun / Naitouingusu / NightcoreKun - (
114. Zevetro - (
115. Gohbn - (
116. Charlesincha - (
117. Micah - ( )
118. Knight615 -  ( )
119. Demigodsage/Silentloner - (
120. Chase2003 (Admitted)
121. Doctord/kingofdeath -( )
122. Kavenau - ( Kavenau ,
123. sammycx - ( )
124. Druidseth - (
125. Yuko321 - ( <===3
126. HRHMilady - (

This part is for people who've added names to the list without providing proof. This does not confirm that they had intent to ruin the name, they may have tried to help but failed to provide the proof.

1. FenrisYuri

ArmA II / A.C.E. / A.C.R.E.?
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:47:12 am »
I really feel we need our own ACE server. I'm tired of playing on servers where some kid will jump in a cobra and flatten the entire city. It'd be nice to have some control over the trolls.

Warrior found this;

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