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Topics - Jezzail Aramei

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The Graveyard / Death and Rule Disputes.
« on: June 27, 2016, 03:32:37 am »
Last week we arrived with Archer at the helm of our little Warband, and I personally have spent around 70 hours this week building a castle for us.  In the meantime, Archer has managed to belittle and unsettle the majority of people actually doing work.  Rather than contribute to the work being done, he has stolen from other clans and unmade our structural plans that were agreed upon by demolishing walls and paths.  He has made trade agreements without our knowledge, promising our work and time without his own contributions.  We were supposed to be a democracy, not a dictatorship. Last night my brother and I finally decided we had enough of dealing with this situation and decided to strike out on our own.  We took what we had made and owned and left the castle to create Wessex.

We started setting up with what we had last night, and then logged on today to continue. I was then set upon by an angry archer, shouting various comments like "die pussy" and "fuck you bitch". This does not constitute RP and I was KOS'd breaching the rules laid down by your good selves. This happened twice, the second time it was the mongols doing the same thing (even if they claim it wasnt in there own post). They then proceeded to kill my brother as well. I've mentioned it before, but its ironic that the mongols are helping him out - he had been trying to start a war with them even to the point of them breaking the rules.

I'm not angry at the way Archer has dealt with things, but it does make me sad. His behavior has been childlike and he does not seem to appreciate that he has gained a free castle that took over a weeks worth of work, very little of which was done by him.  This lack of gratitude from someone we thought was a new friend is really disappointing.

Two deaths for me on separate characters.

One screenshot of them assaulting my brother before his death.

Screenshot proof of no RP on two deaths:

After perusing Temujin & Archer's screenshots, I have (what I believe) is definitive proof that the death of Jezzail Aramei and Liljohn Black were illegal moves. Looking at the screenshots, you can clearly see that on Temujin's that there is no roleplay conversation at all whilst he stares at the tombstones of the fallen victims. on Archer's however, there is a 2 minute delay from the death to his comment in local "you have been sentenced to death for trason" (which i assume is treason). both tomb shots from temujin do not have this sentence in them. Now please bare in mind that there is obviously a time-zone difference between both temujin and archer, but the context, conversation and location is identical. It clearly shows that both deaths were illegal as stated by the rules (currently under revision i know, but still in effect until new ones are released)

I will also note that SnowGoon was assaulted upon logging on with an Axe weilded by and I quote from Goon "Screaming mad man with an Axe" Baring in mind Archer saying he liked SnowGoon alot. I personally wouldn't find myself assaulting someone with an axe if I trusted them.

" 4. NO KOS (Kill On Sight) - (RP must be done before killing another player. You MUST have RP reason to kill them. If you're robbing them and they comply with your orders, you have no right to attack.)" Jezzail & Liljohn (same player)

were initially caught unawares (unless you count the slander and cursing via ingame voicecomm) and slaughtered them.

Also to state, if this was an act of war, they have not followed proper protocols to enact said war.

"3. War time

    1. Must be declared on the forums with the proper format
    2. Both parties must agree on a time for the war to take place."

if this was merely a vengeance raid, I do not know where the gm's stand on this. but needless to say, their first slaughter on Jezzail & Liljohn was illegal.

Archer's recent actions show that he is not willing to abide by the rules of the server and we would like to see positive action by the GMs to show that this type of behavior will have consequences.

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