« on: August 18, 2016, 09:16:32 am »
So, recently, it would appear there is something going on with the server at this time. I know this due to a constant 0/64 players whenever I log into the server. If players stopped playing for any reason, such as game breaking bugs, everyone is in MMO, or a possible server wipe -- I wonder if any of or all the players will return once the issues are resolved.
Can there be information on server status? I assume it is still up and running for a reason, but as it is now, it is barren.
I like the server (incredibly stable, and well moderated), and i like the players. Need my LIF fix O_o.
PS: If this thread gets answered, and or it is no longer needed/wanted, please feel free to delete it. I would appreciate a word though, as I would like to meld more into this community.
AKA: Victis Calaril